Deliveries of test equipment updates to Micropower Group


WireFlow Test Framework

We were tasked by Micropower to update and upgrade our ICT/FCT PCBA test equipment to support new designs and versions of Micropowers different ECUs.

Since this equipment is currently in use producing the current versions of the ECUs, a quick turn-around was key in order to keep the deliveries of existing products going and to ensure a successful implementation of the new products. This was possible thanks to our test systems modular design that has been perfected over the years. The equipment was shipped back in time despite these trying times with social distancing needed also in the office.

The testsystems is based on WireFlow Test Framework, our modular, flexible testsystem framework that makes it possible to create a complete testsystem at a very tight timeschedule.

WireFlow Test Framework

If you are curious or want to discuss your FCT/ICT-test needs, don’t hesitate to contact us.